It is just that there is no overarching meaning to life, universe and existence. No one is epistemically richer, none a life more purposeful.
However, I find that to have a good life, instrumental meaning is necessary. And such is instantiated with fuzzyness, reasonability and intent for practical action or creation.
- Fuzzy reasonability allows for more freedom than rationality, through absurdism and beauty.
- interdependent on environment, emperical reality and shared non-deconstructive fiction.
Nevertheless, we must concede that there's a lot we do not know.
- It might be futile to try and conform things into known, rigid blocks.
- Aren’t the notions of self and divinity always plurally singular?
- Paradoxes and unknowns allow for more freedom in a conscious observer.
- Life is being in a divine comedy while drunk in pursuit of heroics.w
- It might be futile to try and conform things into known, rigid blocks.